"Grief is not a problem to be solved. It is simply a statement that you have loved someone."- Author Unknown.
This quote was given to me shortly after my mother passed away. And truly it has been a quote that I keep going back to time and again. I have found that as I make this journey through grief, there are times that I think that I am just being silly... or I am just taking it too personally... or am I just over-reacting. But it all boils down to I loved her. Was she perfect? Did she always say the things that I needed to hear? No she was a human just like me, she had her faults but that doesn't mean that I love her less. She was the one that I talked to every day. She cried with me, was happy with me, and was proud of who I became. So after a couple of months of trying to be strong, I have come to the conclusion that it is ok for me to be sad, cry, and miss her terribly. I won't be one of those people who lives only in the past. She wouldn't want that from me, nor is it healthy. I will celebrate who she was, and the legacy that she left not only my brother and I, but also her current and future grandchildren. They will know that Nonna was so excited about being a grandma and looked forward to meeting them.
At first I felt guilty for all my tears and wanted to stop them. But my mom was a lady who gave so much of herself and loved others so much that grief on the part of her family and friends is natural, normal, and won't necessarily go away quickly. So those of you that have lost a loved one may understand to a certain point what I 'm going through, we need to remember that we have gone through this and need to be supportive of those around us that may be grieving. They have loved and lost and we can use this as an opportunity to reach others for Christ. God is a source of comfort and strength when you need it the most.
I apologize for my rambling. But these thoughts have been on my mind for a while now but how to put them into an organized manner escaped me....