Wow! 2010 is here and so many opportunities for the new year! Looking back at the last year some interesting things have happened, and with a new year spread out in front of us there is so much room for new interesting things to happen. So what are we going to do about it? Well, I looked back at the post I did for the last New Year... and I made some crazy and fun resolutions. But some of my goals were small monthly ones that would help lead to a healthier, skinnier me... Well it did help some...
I'm happy to say that I have lost twenty plus pounds since this picture was taken... And feel pretty good. I know it sounds like I'm bragging but it has taken a lot of hard work... Somedays it doesn't feel like I've lost any weight and somedays it feels like I am skinny. LOL Going home to family that hasn't seen me in months showed me that all the hard work was worth it... I must say that the compliments were very encouraging. I already have another goal in mind for a year from when that picture was taken (my birthday). And I'll be sure to post when the time comes
I wish you all the most blessed New Year!!