Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My silence

Me, silent, I know it's shocking... but it does happen occasionally... This post is for those of you pestering me to post something... Now maybe you won't tease me about not posting once you see how boring I am... lol To be honest, I haven't had much to say... So much has been going on that I couldn't really talk about, or at least didn't want to talk about on a blog, lol... And really nothing funny has really happen in the last little while that isn't an inside joke that only a few would get...
So what to talk about... Hmmm... Well, I could talk about how glad I am that as of tomorrow I only have a month total of school left... I used to think that only the students were excited about that... But I'm pretty sure that teachers are just as excited if not more so... but why talk about stuff you already know... :-)
I could tell you all about my week of testing... "please make sure that the circles are filled in completely." "When you come to the bottom of page 72 you will see a stop sign. You may check your work on pages 63 through 72 but do not go on to any other pages." Lol boring...
One thing I will say is that God is so good even in the midst of confusion. Lately I have things come my way that I didn't understand and still don't. There are decisions that I will have to make that are serious decisions. Trying to keep up with everyone and my schedule makes my life interesting. But God didn't promise a life of ease, He promised us that He would be with us... And He has been so kind and gracious, and has made Himself so real.
God is good!
Tomorrow I will be turning, well never mind that... But I have been thinking a lot about how far God has brought me in the last nine years. How he has provided for me, and blessed me. Nine years ago this August I decided that I was going to serve God no matter where it took me... It's been so interesting so far, and He has been so good how can I not help but look forward to the next nine years....

A sunny graduation

(He is so going to shoot me for posting this picture... We couldn't get him to smile... Lol)

On Sunday I was privileged to go up to Walsh University to see my bother-in-law graduate from college. He graduated with his bachelor's in business.
Needless to say the day was hot... 90 degrees hot with barely a cloud in the sky... And this freckle faced red head fried... Lol... It was the first burn of the year, and my neck got the worst of it... But it was worth it to see Jer graduate...
Congratulations!!! We are all so proud of you...