Never fear students of mine you shall remain nameless to protect those who are very guilty.... ;-)
The other day I had informed my students that during the last period study hall(held in my homeroom) I would not be accepting questions... I had done nothing but answer questions the previous period (40 mins) and had gotten absolutely nothing done! So they would have to hold on to their questions. "If I get finished with what I need to grade, I'll answer questions." The students got busy with their work... One student anxious for help with some Bible homework, blurted out in the fairly quiet room...
"Miss LaVan, can I have dibs on you..."
Before he realized how that statement might have sounded, the whole class bust out laughing! He got teased for the rest of the day for wanting to call "dibs" on his teacher....
The very next day at the end of the day anticipating going out side (due to having all their homework done) A different student asked me,
"Miss LaVan, can we go out?"
Having been one of the ones who had laughed the hardest the day before, he had to endure being teased for asking his teacher to go out with him...
I told them that what they mean and what others hear/think that they mean are two totally different things... Oh well it made me smile and about 13 others.